Report on fossil wood from the Deccan Intertrapean Beds of Jabalpur, M.P. India


  • Meshram SM Department of Botany Manoharbhai Patel College of Art, Commerce and Science Deori. Dist. Gondia. 441 901. MS
  • Borkar SU Department of Botany, Government Institute of Science Nagpur. MS


Dicot wood, diffuse porous, ray multiseriate, Lythraceae


A well preserved dicot wood was collected from Jabalpur Highway in Jabalpur M.P. The wood is dicotyledonous, diffuse porous, vessels mostly solitary and in radial multiples of two. Perforation plate simple. Intervascular pit pairs alternate, bordered, parenchyma paratracheal, vascicentric, wood rays mostly multiseriate and composed of heterogeneous cells, uniseriate rays mostly homogenous. Fiberes short, thin walled, nonseptate. The wood though shows some characters of the present day families like Lecythidaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Connaraceae, Flacaurtiaceae and Lythraceae. It has close affinities with the members of the family Lethraceae. It could not conclusively be traced to any particular genus but it broadly placed under the family Lythraceae.


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How to Cite

Meshram SM, & Borkar SU. (2014). Report on fossil wood from the Deccan Intertrapean Beds of Jabalpur, M.P. India. International Journal of Life Sciences, 2(4), 311–317. Retrieved from