A new petrified unilocular fruit from the Deccan Intertrappean Beds of Jamsavli M.P. India
Dicot fruit, Indehicent, unitegmic, Tiliaceae Deccan Intertrappean, M.P. IndiaAbstract
A well preserved dicot fruit was collected from Jamsavli (Lat 21°, 30' to 22°, 55'N and Long 78°, 15 to 79°, 20 E) in Chhindwara District, M.P. The fruit is hexagonal shape, without stalk. The fossil fruit is unilocular and is characterized by presence of uniitegmic seed. The fruit is capsular and indehiscent. The fruit though shows some characters of the present day families like Amaranthaceae, Sapindaceae, Meliaceae, Menispermaceae, Tiliaceae, Burseraceae. It has close affinities with the members of the family Tiliaceae. It could not conclusively be traced to any particular genus but it broadly placed under Tiliaceae.
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