A study on seasonal variation of physico-chemical properties in some freshwater lotic ecosystems in Gadchiroli District Maharashtra
Lotic Ecosystems, Physico-Chemical Properties, Seasonal VariationAbstract
In the present investigation an attempt was made for assessment of Seasonal Variation in Physico-chemical properties in three different lotic ecosystems in Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra during the year 2006 and 2007. The study reveals that most of the properties of all the sites show moderate variation in their concentration for all seasons. All the three sites have more or less similar ecological status. The site-I and site-II have greater nutrient concentration. The region of the site-I and site-II are somewhat disturbed by the anthropogenic activities while site-III with less or undisturbed by the same. Having a glimpse of values of physico-chemical properties such as BOD, COD, Nitrate, Phosphate, Alkalinity, DO, Free CO2 etc. disclosed that all the three ecosystems under investigation are mildly polluted.
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