Biodiversity and conservation status of water Birds in Shrungarbandh lake district Gondia, Maharashtra, India
Biodiversity, Shrungarbandh Lake, water birds, ConservationAbstract
The Shrungarbandh Lake has biological potential and rich in flora and fauna. This lake is more productive because of the nutrients from adjoin watershed gets accumulated in the form of compost, sediments, etc. The enrichment of organic constituents responsible for the growth of aquatic weeds, phytoplankton and zooplankton therefore the Lake is a good wetland habitat for availability of food items to various organisms like birds in ample proportion. It has been observed that the wetland is getting affected by local human activities. A status survey of water birds from Shrungarbandh Lake was conducted during the year 2012-2013. A total 52 water birds species belongs to 5 orders from 10 different families were recorded. The present study of this wetland helps to keep a record of bird species to restore and maintain the present condition of wetland. The attempt of this paper is to provide the information about biodiversity of water birds to recognize this site as globally important habitat for the conservation of bird population.
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