
  • Paliwal GT Dept of Zoology, S. S. Jaiswal College, Arjuni/Mor, Dist. Gondia, MS, India
  • Bhandarkar SV Dept of Zoology, M. B. Patel College, Deori, Dist. Gondia MS, India
  • Bhandarkar WR Centre for higher learning & Research, N. H. College, Bramhapuri, Dist. Chandrapur MS, India


Itiadoh Reservoir, Fish diversity, Fisheries, Conservation


The study has been conducted to assess the fish biodiversity profile in one of the largest reservoir in Gondia district; literally there is no report on the fish biodiversity in this reservoir. Authors have tried to document fish biodiversity. The population of fishes is found in abundance and majority of the fishes are exploited for human consumption. About 35 fish species belonging to 6 order and 16 families were recorded during study. The major carps, common carps, cat fishes and eel fishes are abundant. The sustainable management and utilization of this water resource is discussed for diversity, fisheries and its conservation



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How to Cite

Paliwal GT, Bhandarkar SV, & Bhandarkar WR. (2013). ICHTHYOFAUNAL DIVERSITY, FISHERIES AND ITS CONSERVATION IN ITIADOH DAM RESERVOIR DISTRICT GONDIA MAHARASHTRA. International Journal of Life Sciences, 1(4), 308–312. Retrieved from https://ijlsci.in/ls/index.php/home/article/view/1072