Sensor Technology For Environmental Monitoring: An Overview


  • Jadav Jagruti N Environmental Sciences Research Laboratory, Department of Botany, Wilson College, University of Mumbai, Chowpatty, Mumbai-400007, (M.S.), India.
  • Maind Sandip D Department of Chemistry Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s Hazarimal Somani college of Arts and Science, University of Mumbai, Kulapati K.M. Munshi Marg, Mumbai-400007, (M.S.) India.
  • Gajbhiye Suraj Department of Botany, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s Hazarimal Somani college of Arts and Science, University of Mumbai, Kulapati K.M. Munshi Marg, Mumbai-400007, (M.S.) India.
  • Bhalerao Satish A Environmental Sciences Research Laboratory, Department of Botany, Wilson College, University of Mumbai, Chowpatty, Mumbai-400007, (M.S.), India.


Sensors, environmental protection, environmental monitoring


Pollution of the environment is a problem of the modern age. The technology developed and used over the past decades has left serious consequences on human health and environment and implied the need for resolving them. Pollution which contaminates water, air & soil which affects ecosystems and creates new diseases which hazards human being.  Preserving quality of water, air and soil are quite common issues in many countries. Sensor technology has significantly improved over the past few years. Sensors are smaller, lighter, more reliable and portable. They are capable of monitoring and measuring certain features of observed phenomena and can be placed anywhere. Sensors should allow one to move the measurement of numerous inorganic and organic pollutants from laboratory to the field and to perform them rapidly, inexpensively and reliably. Thus sensor technology plays a very important role to control and monitor the environment. In the present paper various types of sensors like electrochemical biosensors, chemically modified sensors & stripping based metals sensors and their applications in environmental monitoring and environmental protection is overviewed.


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How to Cite

Jadav Jagruti N, Maind Sandip D, Gajbhiye Suraj, & Bhalerao Satish A. (2013). Sensor Technology For Environmental Monitoring: An Overview. International Journal of Life Sciences, 108–114. Retrieved from



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