Influence of Atmospheric Aerosols on Health And Environment-Climate Change


  • Sharma Amit S Environmental Sciences Research Laboratory, Department of Botany, Wilson College, University of Mumbai, Chowpatty, Mumbai-400007, (M.S.), India,
  • Maind Sandip D Department of Chemistry, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s Hazarimal Somani college of Arts and Science, Kulapati K.M. Munshi Marg, University of Mumbai, Chowpatty, Mumbai-400007, (M.S.), India.
  • Kelkar Tushar Environmental Sciences Research Laboratory, Department of Botany, Wilson College, University of Mumbai, Chowpatty, Mumbai-400007, (M.S.), India,
  • Knox Jai Environmental Sciences Research Laboratory, Department of Botany, Wilson College, University of Mumbai, Chowpatty, Mumbai-400007, (M.S.), India,
  • Bhalerao Satish A Environmental Sciences Research Laboratory, Department of Botany, Wilson College, University of Mumbai, Chowpatty, Mumbai-400007, (M.S.), India,


Aerosol, Health, Environmental effects


Atmospheric Aerosols are consisting of very small, microscopic particles in the atmosphere which comes from different sources. Assessment of aerosol- climate interactions requires an understanding of the factors that determine the abundances and properties of aerosols in the atmosphere. From the standpoint of direct radiative forcing, critical aerosol properties are the surface size distribution, particle shape and complex refractive index. From the standpoint of indirect radiative forcing, critical aerosol properties are the number size distribution, hygroscopicity, phase and chemical composition. Present review paper deals withvarious examples of aerosols e.g. nucleation particles, soot particles, ammonium sulphate particles, sea salt particles, pollen and mineral dust particles and their properties are reviewed. Atmospheric particles – aerosols – are some of the key components of the atmosphere. They influence the energy balance of the Earth's surface, visibility, climate, human health and environment as a whole. According to World Health Organization (WHO), ozone, particulate, matter, heavy metals and some hydrocarbons present the priority pollutants in the troposphere. Direct and indirect effects of atmospheric aerosol on climate system and of epidemiologic studies and their causative interconnection between particles and health effects.  Impact of aerosols on the clouds is also discussed..



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How to Cite

Sharma Amit S, Maind Sandip D, Kelkar Tushar, Knox Jai, & Bhalerao Satish A. (2013). Influence of Atmospheric Aerosols on Health And Environment-Climate Change. International Journal of Life Sciences, 115–120. Retrieved from



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