Review of Micro-plastic And Heavy Metal Pollution in Indian Aquatic Ecosystems
Microplastics,, Heavy metals, Cirrhinus mrigala, Ambazari Lake, Nagpur, Accumulation, Pollution, Environment health, Ecotoxicology, Water qualityAbstract
Micro-plastic pollution has emerged as a pressing environmental concern globally, with its detrimental impacts extending to aquatic ecosystem and human health. This review paper synthesizes the findings of recent studies on micro-plastic contamination in various aquatic environments across India. The comprehensive analysis encompasses investigations conducted in lakes, rivers, and marine habitats, highlighting the prevalence, sources, distribution, and ecological implications of micro plastics. Key findings reveal significant micro-plastic pollution in Indian lakes, rivers, and coastal areas, attributed to practices. The review underscores the need for expanded research efforts to fill knowledge gaps, especially in freshwater ecosystem, and emphasizes the importance of implementing effective mitigation strategies to address micro-plastic pollution comprehensively. Furthermore, the paper identifies avenues for future research, including standardized methodologies, interdisciplinary approaches, and targeted interventions to combat micro-plastic contamination and safeguard aquatic ecosystems and human well-being in India.
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