Studies on diversity of seed borne fungal flora of Vigna unguiculata (l.) Walp from Nagpur region, MS, India


  • Bhajbhuje MN Department of Botany, Jawaharlal Nehru Mahavidyalaya, Wadi, Nagpur-440 023 (M.S.) India.


Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp, incidence, infestation, isolate


Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp is a protein-rich food legume providing seeds for human food, fodder for livestock, soil improvement benefits through nitrogen fixation. The blotter and agar plate technique as recommended by International Seed Testing Association are applied to routine seed health test for detection of seed born fungal pathogens from the seed sample. A population of 21 fungal species fall under 12 genera has been isolated from infested stored seed samples. A count of 10 isolates belonging to 6 genera of diverse fungal group confined on blotter as well as agar plate. Only 6 isolates representing 3 genera restricted to blotter paper while 5 genera each with single species confined only to agar plate as internal seed born contaminants. Ascomycota dominated with highest count of isolates followed by Deuteromycota and Zygomycota. Basidiomycota did not appear on the seed surface.  Oomycota had single genera with individual species. Zygomycota represented 3 genera each with individual species.  Ascomycota had fungal population of 11 species belonging to 3 genera.  Amongst the total 21 isolates, Aspergillus dominated with 9 species, exhibiting higher count of species. Curvularia is subdominant with 2; while remaining genera had single species.  Ascomycota dominated with half of the total incidence followed by Deuteromycota, and fungal incidence. Zygomycota and Oomycota had least incidence. Out of the total 56.3 percent incidence was recorded on blotter paper again 43.6 percent on agar jelly. Among the seed health test techniques, standard blotter paper method was proved comparatively superior over agar plate.




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How to Cite

Bhajbhuje MN. (2020). Studies on diversity of seed borne fungal flora of Vigna unguiculata (l.) Walp from Nagpur region, MS, India. International Journal of Life Sciences, 8(4), 701–708. Retrieved from

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