Variation in extramural aeromycoflora of the Lake of Futala, Nagpur (M.S.) India


  • Bhajbhuje MN Department of Botany, Jawaharlal Nehru Mahavidyalaya, Wadi, Nagpur- 440 023 (M.S.) India
  • Akare Anjali Post Graduate Teaching Dept. of Botany, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur- 440 033 (M.S.) India


In the present survey, variation in aeromycoflora from various locations of the Lake of Futala area was recorded for a month at an interval of a week employing culture plate exposure method. Altogether 3187 fungal colonies falls under 18 genera and 37 species have been confined on agar jelly. A count of 15 genera was encountered in first and second week of survey and genera number was recorded declined to 12 and 10 in third and fourth week of survey respectively. A greater count of species was encountered on agar jelly in second and third week and least count in fourth week of survey. The extramural fungal airspora was predominant in second week contributing 31.2 per cent and it was recorded gradual decline to 25.9 per cent in first week and 22.8 per cent in fourth week. Least concentration was encountered in third week contributing 20.2 per cent airspora. Deuteromycota was the most predominant group exhibiting in highest concentration in second week contributing 14.6 per cent airspora followed by Ascomycota and Zygomycota. Least concentration of fungal airspora was reported for Oomycota in all weeks of a month during survey. The variation in concentration of fungal flora in winter and pre-winter season particularly in the months of September and October may attributed to fluctuating weather and relative humidity, which supports fungal growth of same group and act inhibitory for others Keywords: Aeromycoflora, outdoor, saprobic, microbes, allergy, asthma, extramural.


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How to Cite

Bhajbhuje MN, & Akare Anjali. (2018). Variation in extramural aeromycoflora of the Lake of Futala, Nagpur (M.S.) India. International Journal of Life Sciences, 6(3), 769–775. Retrieved from

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