Correlative studies on the body weight, testis weight and plasma testosterone of Pteropus giganteus giganteus (Brunnich)


  • Deshmukh GD Department of Zoology, RMG College, Nagbhid, Maharashtra, India
  • Dhamani AA Principal, Gramgita College, Chimur, Maharashtra, India


Testis, plasma, testosterone, spermatogenesis, hormone


In the present study correlation between the body and testis weight with that of mean plasma testosterone concentration was investigated from the pteropid bat, Pteropus giganteus giganteus. The cyclic variations in the body and testis weight were found to in consonance with the hormonal fluctuations. The total body and testis weight beginning to rise in July-August which is after 1-2 months after food availability (mango fruiting) in the local study area of this bat. And then, further reach to its peak level during Oct-Nov. which may be correlated with higher mean plasma concentration. Early rise in the body and testis weight which is complemented by the increase in plasma testosterone concentration may be due to initiation of spermatogenesis. Availability of food may act as stimulus for the onset of spermatogenesis.


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How to Cite

Deshmukh GD, & Dhamani AA. (2015). Correlative studies on the body weight, testis weight and plasma testosterone of Pteropus giganteus giganteus (Brunnich). International Journal of Life Sciences, 3(1), 15–20. Retrieved from