Patterns of seasonal abundance and diversity in waterbird community of Padav Talav (Pond), near Nagbhid Maharashtra, India
Waterbird, Baillon’s Crake, Ardeidae, Charadiformes, ScolopacidaeAbstract
The study area, Pandav Talav (Pond) near Nagbhid (20º34’52.32”N and longitude 79 º39’02.27”E) is a water reservoir, located within newly approved Ghodazari Sanctuary by Government of Maharashtra. In the present survey on waterbird community at Pandav Talav (pond) spanning the period from November 2022 to October 2023, 2343 individuals were recorded which belongs to 41 species, 13 families and 6 orders. Recorded waterbird community shows seasonal fluctuations, maximum 41 species recorded during winter season (Nov-Feb.) followed by summer (40) while monsoon season recorded minimal 30 species. The study site although having ideal fresh water habitat due to its large shallow shoreline exposed during winter and summer, species richness of migratory waders were found impacted by the human interference in the form clay brick production activities, started in the month of October till the end of April. Aquatic habitat available to mud probing wetland bird community impacted by the enormous growth of Ipomea aquatica shrub but that provides suitable foraging guild for family-Raliidae. The first record sighting of Baillon’s Crake, Zapornia pusilla at this site amidst reeds of Ipomea aquatica was sufficient to attract conservational measures to preserve this wetland. Present study will helps in designing conservation strategy as this agro-forest ecosystem posing threat by grazing, forest fires during summer, poaching of birds and man-animal conflict and hence requires immediate attention.
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