Phytochemical screening of E. chaetaria, (Roem. & Schult.), Cyperaceae Bhandara District of Maharashtra
E. chaetaria, Eleocharis, Phytochemical analysisAbstract
E. chaetaria, (Roem. &Schult.)is less known plant species of Eleocharis, in India, even in Maharashtra? These plants are economically and biologically insignificant. But traditionallymore important, because some traditional people used such a plant in medicinal purposes. The present study investigate, the qualitative and quantitative phytochemical analysis of the major bioactive constituent in E. chaetaria, (Roem. &Schult.).The plant where found to contain, Alkaloid, Tannin, Flavonoids, Saponin, Steroid, Terpene. The importance of the distribution of these chemical constituent discuss with respect to biologically most active form.
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