Phytochemical screening of E. acutnagula, (Cyperaceae) Bhandara district of Maharashtra, India


  • Bhaishare Manmohan S Late. Nirdhan Patil Wagaye Science College Lakhani Dist. Bhandara (M.S.).
  • Kunjalwar SG N. A. Arts Com. and Smt. M.H. Wegad Science College, Umred Dist. Nagpur (M.S.).


Phytochemical screening, Eleocharis, E. acutangula (Roxb.) Schult.


The present study designed for phytochemical screening. Different extracts of E. acutangula (Roxb.)Schult aerial and underground part of plant where screened for the presence of chemically active compound by slandered method. The result revealed the presence of steroids, terpenoide and resins in petroleum ether extract, Flavanoids and resins in chloroform extract, carbohydrates in methanolic extract, the water extract show the presence of Saponins, Tannin. In India even in Maharashtra less information available about phytochemical analysis of Eleocharis species. Therefore I have chosen to investigate phytochemistry in E. acutangula (Roxb.)Schult, and study about isolation characterization of the various chemical active substance.



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How to Cite

Bhaishare Manmohan S, & Kunjalwar SG. (2015). Phytochemical screening of E. acutnagula, (Cyperaceae) Bhandara district of Maharashtra, India. International Journal of Life Sciences, 3(1), 105–107. Retrieved from