Phytochemical Screeningin E. setifolia (A. Rich) Raynal, Ethnomedicinal Plant from Bhandara District Maharashtra


  • Bhaisare Manmohan S Department of Botany, Late. Nirdhan Patil Waghaye Science College Lakhani, Dist- Bhandara [M.S]
  • Kunjalwar SG Department of Botany, N.A. Art, Com. and Smt. M.H. Wegad Science College Umred Dist. Nagpur (M.S.)


Ethanomedicine, Ayurveda, Photochemistry, Eleocharis setifolia.(A.Rich) Raynal


Phytochemical investigation of traditionally used Medicinal Plant is Thus
Valuable on two levels, Firstly as a source of potential chemotherapeutic
drug andsecondly as a measure of safety for the continued use of
medicinal plant. The whole plant, Eleocharis setifolia,(A.Rich) Raynal
which are used as traditional folk medicine for the treatment of
dysentery, bowel disorder and inflammatory diseases. Eleocharis setifolia
(A.Rich) Raynal contain, alkaloid, Steroids, Flavonoids, terpens, which
includes sesquiterpene hydrocarbons. This paper explain the evidence
based information regarding the pharmacological activity of this plant. It
has many uses as pollution abetment and is medicinally used in
traditional Ayurveda system.


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How to Cite

Bhaisare Manmohan S, & Kunjalwar SG. (2016). Phytochemical Screeningin E. setifolia (A. Rich) Raynal, Ethnomedicinal Plant from Bhandara District Maharashtra. International Journal of Life Sciences, 4(2), 285–288. Retrieved from