Altered biochemical composition in testis of rabbits during aflatoxicosis
Aflatoxin, Aflatoxicosis, TestisAbstract
Feeding Aflatoxin-contaminated diet (7.5mg/kg) to young adult New Zealand strain of rabbits for 90 days caused a significant reduction in body weight and weight of testis. Reduction in glycogen (P<0.02) and protein contents (P <0.05). were followed with elevation in lipid (P< 0.001) while sodium, Potassium, magnesium and inorganic Phosphorus contents reduced, calcium concentration was increased in the the testis of aflatoxin fed rabbits. Percent ash content increased in aflatoxin fed rabbits indicating accumulation of inorganic constituents. Among monovalent cations, sodium concentration was comparatively higher than potassium (Na+/K+ = 1.62). Ingestion of aflatoxin contaminated diet for 90 days caused increase in sodium and reduction in potassium contents, as a result the ratio between sodium and potassium was increased (2.78). Glycogenolysis and water loss can be accounted for alterations in K+ and Na+ concentrations respectively. It indicates a situation of dehydration. Among divalent cations, calcium concentration was comparatively much less than magnesium (Ca+2/Mg+2 = 0.29). Feeding aflatoxin contaminated diet to rabbits caused an increase in both calcium and magnesium concentrations, resulting in increased calcium and magnesium ratio (0.30). Some of the key enzyme activities were estimated 1n testis of rabbits during aflatoxicosis. Activity of SDH showed a decrease suggesting decreased operation of mitochondrial TCA cycle. LDH and G-5-pase activities showed significant increase (P < 0.00l).
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