Assessment of Aflatoxins, Aflatoxigenic Fungi and Mycoflora Associated with Cereals, MS. India
Cereals, Mycoflora, Aspergillus flavus, aflatoxinsAbstract
Aflatoxins are one of the most potent toxic substances that occur naturally. These are a group of closely related mycotoxins produced by fungal species such as Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillusparasiticus. Which commonly grow on foods and feeds. Sample of cereal seeds viz., Bajra, Jowar, Maize and Wheat were collected. Dilution plate and agar-plate methods were used for isolation of mycoflora associated with collected samples. All isolates of Aspergillus flavus obtained from collected samples were screened for their aflatoxigenic potential in SMKY liquid medium. In all fourteen different fungi were isolated from cereal seeds. Aspergillus flavus, A. niger, A. ochraceus, Aspergillus sp., Fusarium sp. and Penicillium sp. were stand out common seed infesting fungi, A. flavus was dominant in all fungi and its 70.1 % strains were aflatoxigenic. Highest percentage of aflatoxigenic fungi was recorded in Maize seeds (86.20%). Aflatoxin producing potentials of Aspergillus flavus obtained from Maize (14.38 ppm) followed by Bajra (11.94ppm), Wheat (11.63 ppm), and Jowar (11.11 ppm). Analysis of cereal grain seeds for its natural aflatoxin contamination revealed that 26.25 % samples were naturally contaminated with aflatoxin. Maximum concentration of aflatoxin B1was detected in Maize seeds (27.87 ppb) followed by Jowar seeds (8.38 ppb), Wheat seeds (5.61 ppb) and Bajra seeds (5.25 ppb). Cereals contaminated with aflatoxin has poses a potential threat for the life of human and animal beings.
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