Study of Mycoflora, Aflatoxigenic Fungi and Aflatoxin in Fish Feeds.
fish feeds, Aspergillus flavus, aflatoxin, MycofloraAbstract
Sample of fish feeds were collected from Mumbai, agar-plate methods were used for isolation of mycoflora associated with collected samples. All isolates of Aspergi1lus flavus obtained from collected samples were screened for their aflatoxigenic potential in SMKY liquid medium. In all seventeen different fungi were isolated from fish feeds. Aspergi1lus flavus, A. niger, A. ochraceous, Aspergi1lus sp., Fusarium sp. and Penicil1ium sp. were stand out common seed infesting fungi, A. flavus was dominant in all fungi and its 76% strains were aflatoxigenic. Highest percentage of aflatoxigenic fungi was recorded in Feed Ingredients (86.2%). Analysis of fish feeds for its natural aflatoxin contamination revealed that 26.67% samples were naturally contaminated with aflatoxin. Maximum concentration of aflatoxin B1was detected in Local fish feed (93.67 ppb) followed by Feed Ingredients (92.89 ppb) and Commercial fish feed (84.38 ppb). Oil seeds contaminated with aflatoxin has poses a potential threat for the life of aquaculture animals.
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