Potential of Some Botanicals Against Curvularia & Fusarium Species
Impatiens balsamina L, Curvularia, Fusarium, fungicides, seed borne fungi, inhibition, antifungal activityAbstract
Impatiens balsamina L. is one of the most potent medicinal plants extensively grown worldwide including India. The seeds of this plant are reported to be heavily infested with diverse group of fungi. The fungal organisms associated with seeds are known to deteriorate the nutrient content of seeds. As the plants serve as ecofriendly and economic bio control agents, the potential of aqueous extract of three plants each of family Acanthaceae and Euphorbiaceae was determined against three species each of seed borne isolates of Curvularia and Fusarium from stored seeds of Impatiens balsamina L employing poisoned food technique. Majority of the plant extracts were reported to be toxic, leading to inhibition for the growth of the test fungi. The aqueous leaf extract Adathoda vasica was found to be most potent reducing significant level of mycelial growth of test fungi.
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