Observation on the histochemistry of the developing ova in Haemonchus contortus (Nematoda)
Histochemistry, oogenesis, egg shell, Nematoda, Haemonchus contortusAbstract
In Haemonchus contortus, the concentration of various metabolites differs in various stages of oogenesis. Though an adequate quantity of carbohydrates is evidenced in ovarian epithelium, perinuclear spaces of oogonia, oocytes and rachis but the protoplasmic processes connecting the oogonia to the rachis are completely devoid of the same. Developing oocytes imbibe large concentrations of glycogen from the ovarian epithelium and subsequently use it for the formation of chitinous layer of the egg shell. The mature ovum gets surrounded by an additional resistant layer of acid mucopolysaccarides. High nucleic acid activity has been detected in both oogonia as well as oocytes and fertilized ova show a spurt of ribosomes in them. The secondary oocytes are full of proteinaceous granules and show an intense activity of RNA indicating the occurrence of rapid protein synthesis at this stage. The lipids seem to be a major constituent of the egg shell envelope of the fertilized ova.
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