Evaluation of Botanicals, Fungicides, and Biocontrol Agents for the Management of Rhizoctonia solani Inciting Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Plenck) Root Rot
Rhizoctonia solani, Botanical Extracts, Fungicides, Biocontrol Agents, Trichoderma, Mycelial Growth InhibitionAbstract
Rhizoctonia solani, a soil-borne fungal pathogen, causes severe root rot in broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica), leading to significant crop yield losses. This study evaluates the efficacy of botanical extracts, chemical fungicides, and biocontrol agents as sustainable management options for R. Solani. A laboratory experiment was conducted using the poisoned food technique to assess the antifungal activity of five botanicals (Ailanthus excelsa, Chrozophora tinctoria, Cissus quadrangularis, Argyria nervosa, and Echinops echinatus), five fungicides (SAAF, Krilaxyl, Bavistin, Blitox-50, Dithane M-45), and five Trichoderma species. Each treatment was tested for its ability to inhibit the mycelial growth of R. solani using Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) medium. Mycelial Growth Inhibition Percentage (MGIP) was calculated to evaluate treatment efficacy. The botanical extracts of A. excelsa and C. tinctoria showed the highest efficacy, with MGIP values of 87.82% and 90.39%, respectively. Among the fungicides, Krilaxyl exhibited the highest mycelial inhibition (95.86%), followed by Blitox-50 (92.82%). The Trichoderma isolates also performed well, with T. viride Isolate 1 achieving 85.81% inhibition. These results indicate that both botanical and biocontrol agents can serve as effective alternatives to chemical fungicides in managing R. solani. The study underscores the potential of using eco-friendly botanicals and biocontrol agents for managing R. solani in broccoli crops. Integrating these methods into existing pest management programs could reduce reliance on chemical fungicides and support sustainable agricultural practices.
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