Human beings and biodiversity degradation


  • Shende VA Department of Zoology, K. Z. S. Science College, Bramhani-Kalmeshwar, Nagpur, India - 441 501.
  • Patil KG Department of Zoology, Institute of Science, R. T. Road, Nagpur (M.S.) India - 440 001.


Ecosystem services, Biodiversity loss, Conservation, Human, Basic needs


Biodiversity contributes to make human life both possible and worth living. Human beings are the major source for degradation of biodiversity. Biodiversity is under significant threat from the effects of human-induced climate.  Its loss is threatening the fulfillment of basic needs and aspiration of humanity as a whole. If we carry on losing biodiversity, future generations face hunger, thirst, disease and disaster. It directly and indirectly contributes many constituents of human, including security, basic material for a good life, health, good social relations, and freedom of choice and action.


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How to Cite

Shende VA, & Patil KG. (2013). Human beings and biodiversity degradation. International Journal of Life Sciences, 1(1), 7–10. Retrieved from