COVID-19 outbreak: A review of global challenges to the world


  • Shende VA Department of Forensic Biology, Government Institute of Forensic Science, Nagpur (M.S.) India.
  • Paikrao HM Department of Forensic Biology, Government Institute of Forensic Science, Nagpur (M.S.) Indi
  • Janbandhu KS Director, Pre-IAS Coaching Centre, Old Morris College Campus, Sitabuldi, Nagpur
  • Patil KG Department of Zoology, Government Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati, India.


Coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, Pandemic, Health and Economy, Labour supply


COVID-19 challenges are we should use to manage our improvement over the globe. As the quantity of coronavirus cases ascends in underdeveloped, developing, and developed nations, the potential health, and financial outcomes are direr because of unexpected frailty pointers and overburdened health frameworks. Settlements are set to be plunge, as family members abroad informal or casual divisions are losing positions, pay misfortunes will spread across the outskirts through lower settlements. In some poor or small economies vigorously dependent on settlements, the effect on individuals and entire economies could be crushing. In this article, challenges focus mainly on health, economy, labor (workers), Social protection systems, public infrastructures for social services, agriculture, and other services.



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How to Cite

Shende VA, Paikrao HM, Janbandhu KS, & Patil KG. (2021). COVID-19 outbreak: A review of global challenges to the world. International Journal of Life Sciences, 55–59. Retrieved from



Review Articles