Nanobiotechnological armour in forensic investigation- A review on upcoming perspectives in forensic biology
Nanobiotechnology, DNA analysis, PCR, Forensic Biology, Toxicology, Nanoparticles, NanotechnologyAbstract
Nanobiotechnology is an emerging field of forensic science that investigates biosensors, biological indicators, food adulteration, real-time crime scenes and terrorist activities using nanomaterial. Extraction and quantification of excellent quality of DNA through PCR from body fluids and skeletal remains for forensic analysis using silica, magnetic nanoparticles and nanoparticle of coppers were used to solve criminal cases. Evaluation and identification of toxic substances from skeletal remains, blood, saliva and hairs will be done by using nanobiotechno-logy. Nanobiotechnology played a major role in the future to deliver more selective and sensitive ways to help forensic investigators to solve crime cases with more success.
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