Aeromycological Study Of Apmc Fruit Market Of Vashi


  • Baviskar RN Department of Botany, ICLES’ M. J. College, Vashi, Navi Mumbai.
  • Suryawanshi NS Research Laboratory, Department of Botany, K. V. Pendharkar College, Dombivli (E)-421203 (MS) India.


Apple, APMC fruit market, aeromycoflora


A present survey of aeromycoflora of APMC fruit market of Vashi, Navi Mumbai was conducted during two successive seasons from August to October, 2011 and August to October, 2012. During this period Apple (Pyrusmalus L.) are abundant in the market of Vashi. The aeromycological study was carried out by using gravity slide as well as petriplate exposure method with a view to correlating the decay of Apples in the market. Twenty five microfungi were trapped from the air over the fruit market and the Penicillium expansum and Aspergillus sp. were found to be dominant.


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How to Cite

Baviskar RN, & Suryawanshi NS. (2013). Aeromycological Study Of Apmc Fruit Market Of Vashi. International Journal of Life Sciences, 52–54. Retrieved from



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