Variation in aeromycoflora of Seminary Hills, Nagpur (M.S.) India
Aeromycology, fungal airspora, extramural, micro-fungal, allergy, asthmaAbstract
Aeromycological survey was conducted for various locations of seminary hills area of Nagpur for winter season employing culture plate exposure method. A count of 4311 fungal colonies falls under 19 genera and 37 species have been confined on agar jelly during survey. Of these, a count of 13 genera was encountered in the month of September but its count was recorded enhance to 19 subsequently during December to February. A greater count of species was encountered on agar jelly in December and January while least count was recorded during September. Moderate genera count was confined in the month of October and November. The gradual increasing trend of fungal airspora was recorded from September to December and it was predominant in the January, contributing 31.3 percent of total airspora then it was declined to 11.3 percent in February.
Deuteromycota was the most predominant group exhibiting in highest concentration of fungal propagules in the environment contributing 42.9 percent airspora followed by Ascomycota with 39.9 percent airspora. Zygomycota contributed 8.9 percent fungal airspora while least concentration was reported for Oomycota in all months during survey. The variation in concentration of fungal flora in winter season may be attributed to fluctuating weather and relative humidity, which supports fungal growth of same group and act inhibitory for others.
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