Chlorophyll deficiencies induced by physical and chemical mutagens in mutagenized population of Rivinia humilis L.
Rivinia humilis L., mutagens, effectiveness, chloprophyll, chimeras, sensitivityAbstract
We identified Rivinia humilis as a source of natural dye. In order to induce variability in the genome of the plant, primarily for the qualitative and quantitative improvement in dye content, the seeds of the plant were subjected to the treatment of physical (gamma irradiation) and chemical mutagens (SA and EMS). Gamma rays are known to induce gross structural changes in the chromosomes leading to the alteration of various characters, whereas, both the chemical mutagens have already proved their mutagenic effect on induction of variability in different plants. Generally, the chemical mutagens induce point or gene mutations leading to the base pair substitution and thus changing the functions of proteins without abolishing them. Mutagens are known to affect pigment synthesis in the leaves of plant due to alteration in genetic architecture, resulting in the production of various types of chlorophyll deficiencies. Induction and spectrum of chlorophyll mutations is considered as markers for the evaluation of gene action of mutagenic factors in induced mutation studies, and that can be used as a primary index of effectiveness and mutability of the genotypes towards the mutagen which would be useful to generate the wide array of desirable mutations in the treated population. Results obtained, in the present study, on effect of different doses/concentrations of the applied mutagens, indicated differential effect of all the mutagens in induction of chlorophyll abnormalities. Five different types of chlorophyll chimeras, viz., Albino, Xantha, Chlorina, Viridis and Marginata were reported to be induced by the mutagens in R. humilis. Both the chemical mutagens induced five types of chimeras, whereas, no dose of gamma rays was able to induce Marginata. Comparatively, treatment of seeds by SA was found to be more effective than EMS and gamma rays. Presoaking treatment modes, in both the chemical mutagens, were found to be more effective than dry seed treatment mode. Wide spectrum of induction of chlorophyll deficiencies clearly indicates the sensitivity of the genome of R. humilis to all the three employed mutagens.
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