Morphomutagenic variations in leaves induced by physical and chemical mutagens in Rivinia humilis L.
Rivinia humilis L, morphomutagenic, variations, adnation, mutagnes, sensitivityAbstract
Mutagenesis is aimed to induce variability in different plants. Induction of variability is the pre-requisite for selection and varietal development in crop plants and the mutation induction using various mutagenic agents has become a proven and well established practice of creating variations within crop and other species. After identification of Rivinia humilis L. as a source of red natural dye, the seeds were subjected to the treatment of physical mutagen (gamma rays) and two chemical mutagens (SA and EMS), in order to induce variability in the genome for the qualitative and quantitative improvement in dye obtained from the ripened berries. The mutagenized populations was screened for various morphological, physiological and yield attributing characters. Screening of M1 population indicated differential effects of all the three mutagens on different traits. The mutagens induced mutations at genetic level encounter with number of biochemical processes leading to the alteration in the plant genome that consequently exhibited in the modifications of certain morphological structures, which are visible in mutagenized populations. Physical mutagens, particularly gamma rays, are known for the gross structural changes in the chromosomes leading to the production of inhibitory effect on most of the morphological and yield attributing characters, whereas, the mutagenicity of both the chemical mutagens used have been earlier proved in various plants. The chemical mutagens, generally induce point or gene mutations, leading to the base pair substitutions and thus changing the functions of proteins without abolishing them. Genome of R. humilis was found to be highly sensitive to all the mutagens used, in terms of inducing variations in different morphological traits. Meticulous observation on leaf, as a main photosynthetic structure, reavealed that all the mutagens have not only affected the leaf dimension and leaf index but also severely affected the morphology of the leaves. Treatment of seeds with EMS was found to be more effective than SA and gamma irradiation in inducing leaf modifications. This article deals with the critical analysis of mutagen induced variations in the leaf morphology and justification of the term ‘morphomutagenic variations’, used at the first time.
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