Effect of Physical and Chemical Mutagens on Mitotic Cell Division Rate (MI) in Rivinia humilis L.
Rivinia humilis, mutagens, mito-depressive, stimulatory, sensitivityAbstract
Rivinia humilis L. was identified as a vital and more reliable source of red natural dye obtained from its ripened berries (fruits). The germplasm of the plant was subjected to the treatment of physical (gamma irradiation) and chemical mutagens (Sodium azide and Ethyl methanesulphonate) for the enhancement of dye content, by inducing the genetic variability in the genome. In the present investigation, both the chemical mutagens exhibited mito-depressive effect, where the mitotic activities were progressively decreased in all treatment modes. The root-tips of treated seeds exhibited dose/concentration dependent decrease in mitotic activities, in all the three mutagens, however, stimulation was noted with lower doses of gamma irradiation only. The drastic reduction in mitotic activities in root tip cells due to the treatment of different concentrations of both chemical mutagens and higher doses of gamma irradiation indicated the high degree of sensitivity of the genome of Rivinia humilis L. All concentrations of both the chemical mutagens resulted in the suppression of mitotic activities, whereas, only lower doses of gamma rays reported to be promontory in action. Among chemical mutagens, EMS was reported to have more adverse effect on mitotic activities than SA. The adverse effect was observed to be enhanced with the increase in pre-soaking period in both the cases, however, 6h pre-soaking treatment mode of EMS was reported to be more mito-depressive than dry seed and 3h pre-soaking treatment modes. Comparatively, higher doses of gamma irradiation had more adversely affected the mitotic activities than both the chemical mutagens employed in the present investigation. The cytological analysis, in terms of positive and negative responses of all the three mutagens revealed that the genome of the plant is highly sensitive and hence could be used to change the genetic architecture of the plant for obtaining the desired mutants.
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