Potential of metabolites from culture filtrate of Alternaria padwickii (G) Ellis against Oryza sativa L


  • Bhajbhuje MN Department of Botany
  • Yogesh Shastri Department of Botany, Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad Arts, Comm & Science College, Malegaon Dist. Nasik


culture filtrate, toxicity, phytotoxic, inhibition, biomass, metabolites, enhance


A species of a mitosporic genus Alternaria is notoriously known plant pathogen as well as food spoiler, causing damage to food commodities, cooked food and grains in storage. Among these, Alternaria padwickii is reported as seed borne pathogen of rice responsible for causing seed discoloration, pre- and post-emergence, seed rot, seedling blight, sheath-rotting and a potent producer of variety magnitude of metabolites of medicinal importance.  In present study, an attempts were made to isolate pathogen from infested stored rice seeds and allowed to grow for a period of 30 days in artificial Czapek’s nutrient broth for metabolite production. The culture filtrate was graded in different concentrations and each was tested against rice seeds to study seed germination rate, seedling emergence and green biomass production. The rate seed germination was declined by 4.5-39.8 percent; the shoot length by 16.1-66.1 percent; root length by 15.5-44.0 percent; the biomass of fresh shoot reduced by 24.5-50.7 percent; biomass of fresh root declined to the extent of 8.7-49.1 percent; per cent normal seedling reduced by 5.8-55.8 percent over the control when seeds treated with 20 to 100 per cent culture filtrate containing metabolites. Control seeds did not express any change. The metabolites from 20 per cent culture filtrate induced marginal reduction in these parameters over the control.  The inhibitory effect was more pronounced for these parameters in response to increase in concentration of culture filtrate. Absolute culture filtrate had greater phytotoxic effect against control. The seed soaked in Czapek’s broth enhanced seed germination, seedling emergence and green biomass production.


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How to Cite

Bhajbhuje MN, & Yogesh Shastri. (2021). Potential of metabolites from culture filtrate of Alternaria padwickii (G) Ellis against Oryza sativa L. International Journal of Life Sciences, 9(1), 84–90. Retrieved from https://ijlsci.in/ls/index.php/home/article/view/362

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