Pharmacological activities of potent medicinal plant Adhatoda zeylanica medic: A review
Plants are the major source of medicines from ancient times. Nowadays, there is a growing demand of medicines particularly belonging to plant drugs. Medicinal plants have various complex chemical substances as secondary plant metabolites. The plant Adhatoda zeylanica Medic. syn. A. vasica Nees (Adulsa) is also one of the natural wealth among plants. Adulsa is mostly used against, tumours, leprosy, blood disorders, ear diseases, asthma, fever, thirst, vomiting, loss of memory, leucoderma, bronchitis jaundice, etc. Present paper focus on medicinal property of Adulsa based on collected data through literature review. The review focuses on the phytochemistry and pharmacological actions of the plant.
Keywords: Adhatoda, Adulsa, phytochemistry, pharmacology, vasicine, vasicinone
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Copyright (c) 2020 Sutare MS , Kareppa BM

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