Efficacy of Fungicides for the Management of Potato Black Scurf caused by Rhizoctonia solani
Potato Black Scurf is serious disease worldwide, which is commonly found in most potato producing area this disease is favoured by the capacity of fungus to survive in soil as Sclerotia. Efficacy of Sevan fungicides against Black scurf of Potato caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn was tested at 0.00, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 % concentrations. The slices of 70 mm diameter and 5 mm thickness were dipped in the different concentration of fungicides for 10 min. These slices were inoculated with 5 mm disc of pathogen at center. The mycelial growth was observed and recorded for 15 days of incubation.The fungicide Carbendazium, Ridomil and Kavach shows complete inhubation of the pathogen at 2.0 % concentration then followed by sulpher, Captap; Blue copper gives intermediate inhibition at 2.5 % of pathogen, whereas Diethan M 45 at 3.0 % concentration noted least inhibition of pathogen. It’s clear from this study that increase in concentration shows maximum inhibition of growth and decrease the incubation period. The fungicide efficacy against managements of Black scurf by the fungicides Carbendanzim, Ridomil and Kavach gives more effective control of black scurf as compared to other fungicides.
Key words: Fungicides, pathogen, carbendanzim, concentration, Black scurf.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Joshi Shripad M , Kareppa BM

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