Analysis of some physicochemical parameters and their effect on the productivity of fishes in two different types of aquatic bodies of Unamgaon and Seipargaon of Patharkandi block of Karimganj district, Assam, India


  • Roy Choudhury Shuvasish Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, Karimganj College, Karimganj, Assam, India
  • Arvind Chavhan Assistant Professor & Head Department of Zoology, Digambarrao Bindu ACS College, Bhokar, Nanded MS, India


Karimganj, Productivity, Water, Physicochemical parameter, BOD, DO


Water quality is determined by various physicochemical and biological factors, as they may directly or indirectly affect its quality and consequently its suitability for the distribution and production of fish and other aquatic animals. The role of various factors or parameters like temperature, carbon dioxide, pH, alkalinity, hardness, conductivity, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), dissolved oxygen (DO), plankton population etc. cannot be overlooked for maintaining a healthy aquatic environment and therefore productivity depends on the physicochemical characteristics of the water body. The two selected study areas of Patherkandi block of Karimganj district have many ponds and fisheries. This survey work was properly supported by chemical analysis of the water samples and it was found that if physicochemical parameters of the water are maintained properly, we can get good productivity of fishes and it would surely help the local fishermen.


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How to Cite

Roy Choudhury Shuvasish, & Arvind Chavhan. (2017). Analysis of some physicochemical parameters and their effect on the productivity of fishes in two different types of aquatic bodies of Unamgaon and Seipargaon of Patharkandi block of Karimganj district, Assam, India. International Journal of Life Sciences, 5(4), 587–592. Retrieved from

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