Virulence of wheat leaf rust and reaction of cultivars to virulent races in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia


  • Tesfay Gebrekirstos Tigray Agricultural Research Institute (TARI), Mekelle Agricultural Research Center P.O. Box 258, Mekelle, Ethiopia.
  • Getaneh Woldeab Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Ambo Plant Protection Research Center P.O. Box 37, Ambo, Ethiopia.
  • Thangavel Selvaraj Ambo University P.O. Box 19, Ambo, Ethiopia.
  • Arvind Chavhan Digambarrao Bindu College, Bhokar, Nanded, 431801, MS, India,


Race, Puccinia triticina, Lr genes and differential hosts


This study was carried out to determine the virulence of P. triticina and evaluate the reaction of wheat cultivars to virulent races. Race analysis was carried out by inoculating isolates on to the 16 differential hosts. A total of 22 races were identified of which; PHTT, PHRT, THTT and FHRT were predominant races with frequencies of 20, 15, 10 and 10% respectively. The remaining 18 races were confined to specific locations with a frequency of 2.5% each. The broadest virulence spectrum was recorded from TKTT race, making 15 Lr genes ineffective. About 81% of Lr genes were ineffective to 55% of P. triticina isolates. Races TKTT, THTT and PHTT were used to evaluate the resistance of ten wheat cultivars in greenhouse. Bread wheat cultivars, Mekelle-3, Mekelle-4, Picaflor, Dashin and Local cultivar showed susceptible reaction to TKTT, THTT and PHTT races. Unlike bread wheat varieties, durum varieties, Ude and Dembi were resistant to these races. The result of this study showed most bread wheat varieties did not have adequate resistance for leaf rust. Hence, gene pyramiding of Lr9, Lr24 and Lr2a has paramount importance as the additive effects of several genes offer the variety a wider base for leaf rust resistance.


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How to Cite

Tesfay Gebrekirstos, Getaneh Woldeab, Thangavel Selvaraj, & Arvind Chavhan. (2017). Virulence of wheat leaf rust and reaction of cultivars to virulent races in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia. International Journal of Life Sciences, 5(2), 189–197. Retrieved from

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