Productive and Reproductive Performances of Arab Goats in the Western Lowlands of Ethiopia
Arab goat, Conservation, Genetic improvement, Monitoring studyAbstract
Assessment of performance of goats under farmers’management condition is necessary to design appropriate strategy for sustainable goat improvement. Accordingly, the present study was conducted to estimate growth, reproductive performance, and milk yield of Arab goats as a step towards designing sustainable goat genetic improvement and conservation strategy. Flocks of 40 households having 61 does were monitored for a period of 15 months. The overall mean for birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), six-month weight (6MW), and yearling weight (YW) were 2.56±0.61, 8.47±2.09, 11.82±2.41, and 16.17±1.62 kg, respectively. The result showed that BW was significantly affected by sex and parity of does. Weaning weight and YW were significantly affected by sex and parity, respectively. Season of birth and parity significantly affected 6MW. Age at first kidding (AFK) and kidding interval (KI) were 354.55±83.78 days and 7.97±1.14 months, respectively. Does kidded during the wet season had short AFK and KI than those kidded during the cool season or dry season. Does which kidded at third parity had shorter KI (P<0.001) than other parities. The overall milk yield per day (DMY), lactation total milk yield (TLMY), and lactation length (LL) were 0.36±0.28 litters, 14.14±4.20 litters, and 39.25±10.20 days, respectively. Seasons of birth and parities affected TLMY and LL (P<0.001). The study revealed improving the non-genetic factors that affect productivity and appropriate selection strategy can increase the productivity of Arab goat breed
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